In the event of an emergency, it can be easy to become flustered, disoriented and confused, especially when there is no formal plan or warning system in place to instruct you what to do.

The key in an emergency is to be prepared with an emergency procedure plan from Spartan Fire.

At Spartan Fire, we can develop a customised emergency procedure plan for your business; the plan will contain site-specific information for your building so that all occupants and visitors know how to respond to a fire or emergency.

All emergency evacuation procedures and planning provided by Spartan Fire fully complies with Australian Standards – AS 3745-2010 Emergency Control Organisation and Procedures for buildings, structures, and workplaces.


What does an Emergency Procedure Plan include?

Effectively planning for an emergency involves many facets, including first aid, evacuation, and fire incident plans; with careful preparation and planning, a finalised emergency procedure plan will assist building occupants in a variety of emergency situations.


Site Specific Details

If you need to call the police, fire or ambulance services in an emergency or you need to evacuate the building immediately, some of the first information you will need will be site specific, such as:

  • Building name, address and phone numbers;
  • Names of any wardens that are trained in the building;
  • Contact details for all on-site personnel with emergency training; and
  • Emergency evacuation diagrams.


In the event of a fire, when the pressure is on, do the people around you know how to help save lives and property? Do you?

Evacuation Diagram

IMPORTANT: Queensland has specific requirements for evacuation diagrams in its Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 (BSFR 2008).