Spartan Fire can inspect and test your fire hose reel to make sure you are fully compliant with Australian safe work standards. Our technicians are thoroughly trained and highly passionate about fire safety.

How often do I need my fire hose reel tested?

The specific frequency of each test may vary based on the nature of your business. We have provided a list of the tests we conduct regularly for clients with fire hose reels however we do encourage you to get in touch to verify your unique requirements.

According to the AS1851, specific fire hose reel testing needs to be performed at the following intervals:

Every 6 months your technician will check for the following:

  • Accessibility
  • Signage
  • Operating Instructions
  • Damage
  • Testing parts: Nozzle interlock, Swing arm, Unwind
  • Flow
  • Leakage
  • Record Label

Every year your technician will check the following:

  • Anchor Points
  • Hose Guide & Fittings
  • Damage in Hose or Bearings
  • Fire Hazards or Obstructions

fire hose reels

Source: AS2441:2005 Australian Standard Installation of Fire Hose Reels.

Record-Keeping Requirements

Maintain a maintenance logbook or digital record-keeping system to track the following information:

  • Date of maintenance
  • Type of maintenance performed (e.g., monthly, six-monthly, or annual inspection)
  • Any issues found and actions taken.


Spartan Fire specialises in design, supply, installation, service, maintenance and testing of all fire protection systems. Our areas of expertise include the following:

Fire Alarm & Smoke Detection

About Us

We are not restricted to working with a specific brand.

Spartan Fire is not limited to one brand. This means that we have the capability to operate and modify all existing models and types of fire detection systems in the delivery of our fire safety protection services.


Fire evacuation and training are important because they save lives, reduce property damage, and ensure legal compliance.